Design Your Future
Day 3 is actually the pivotal day in the BYE 2018 program. It’s where you actually write your goals. It required some additional oomph on my part, and a couple of shelving’s.
Even though the program is considered half-way point at Day 3, it really seemed like Day 1 and 2 were Mindset, preparation days. By the time you get to day 3, you have a more open perspective.
After reviewing the content from day 3, there’s a few things that stood out to me. Specifically, the SMARTER acronym and how it differs from the more traditional SMART, the work sheet exercises and the overwhelm that came from writing down 7-10 goals with 2-3 being accomplished per quarter.
When the video and the content started in on the SMARTER acronym, I thought to myself – I’ve heard this all before. Great. Another acronym with little impact. But wait – it was explained totally different from what I’d been taught.
The first shocker was the change of the first “R”. Hyatt said the “R” typically stands for realistic and that such a presupposed mindset would deflate the accomplishment by making it too easy. Instead, the “R” has become Risky.
Now, it doesn’t mean that by Risk you should be irrational. It does mean that in order for you to be excited, you need to take a little risk. Excitement leads to challenge and alienates the boring. Made perfect sense to me.
New this year, from what I understand, is the goal setting worksheets. I would agree that they are on point. Many times, you write the goal, steps you can take and how to anticipate obstacles.
Hyatt takes a different approach. At this point in the process, we are just writing the goals down and making sure that the SMARTER acronym is adhered to and that we have a deadline. Initially I filled out the whole exercise, some of which was supposed to be done in day 4 and 5.
One thing I love about the worksheets is the division of goals between something you want to achieve and a habit you want to develop. Two separate distinct worksheets. This is genius to me!
On top of this, the Pat Flynn mastermind group I joined for this program offered a simple habit tracker that we could share our habits and support each other. The app is called HabitShare and is really simple and easy to understand. Highly recommend.
When I looked at all the goals I wanted to achieve, I felt it wasn’t complete. If you felt like me, it’s okay, take a few hours or a day or two to approach the goals again to see if there are any others that you’d like to accomplish more.
When I let the goals stew for a while, I came up with 1 or 2 that I wanted to accomplish more and some that fell under a larger goal as a step. Having the time and opportunity to change it is really important.
Also, by completing all the fill-ins on the worksheets you are actually doing some Day 4 and 5 work. The overwhelm felt less impacting when I realized I was ahead!
I am really impressed so far. The combination of the curriculum from Michael Hyatt and the supporting group with Pat Flynn is an awesome combination.
My feeling is that this program is well thought out, considers all the things that cause goals to be achieved (or not). 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever 2018 also has tangible and useable processes to manage your drift.
Most importantly, for me, this program wasn’t more work than I anticipated. I thought it would be hard, arduous, and take a lot of mental and emotional horsepower. Fortunately, it did not.
I highly recommend this course and doing so with a group. I’d also be willing to be an affiliate and I don’t recommend just any product or service unless I’ve used it (and understand it).
If you have any questions about 5 Days to your Best Year Ever, don’t hesitate to contact me on this site, or through my social channels.
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